You know you've been in band too long if...
Season Thoughts

10 things you'll never hear your band director say

You know you've been in band too long if...

Band member's Resolutions

Band jokes

Drill Terms

Band Geeks Dictionary

Photo Page

Marching Band from a marchers perspective

How to keep a Band Director in line

Band Schedule

Home Page

Band Wars

Guest Book Page


-You've ever tripped, fell, and rolled down the bleacher steps screaming, 'catch my flute!'
-when a friend calls, they never ask you what your doin cuz they KNOW your practicing your instrument (AND they never ask whats up for fear you'll go into an in-depth speech about an event that happened in band)
-you ask for reeds for christmas
-you give up ur lunch period to go to the band room and play off a test
-you know why we cant make forts out of pillows on the bus on band trips ;0)
-if someone kicks your case you flip a switch
-you proudly wear a pin of your instrument on your backpack (even after your non-band friends threatened to not be friends with you if you do)
-the only upperclassmen you know are band members
-you know there is such a thing as an 'extended family'
-while everyone is getting refreshments during halftime at a football game, your still in the stands screaming your head off for people you know that are performing in marching band
-you have your band pieces downloaded on napster
-you endure having co-ed PE, so you can be taken outta PE at any time so you can have an emergency band practice instead
-you know people who play oboe
-you actually know what an oboe is
-you PLAY the oboe
-you freak when you encounter lotion before a performance because you know it makes your instrument slippy
-you know people by the instrument they play....not their last name
-people comment that your like other people in your section
-you know what a "pit" consists of, and say "marimba" all the time cuz its an awesome word. MARIMBA!!!! haaaaa!
-you pay for marching band shoes that are a whole lot worse lookin than old people shoes
-you make sure your nailpolish is ALWAYS a 'neutral' color cuz you cant live life on the edge and wear colored polish for fear you'll have an unexpected band arrangement and your nails are COLORED (heaven forbid)
-non-band people who stand around the band room for lunch know your name
-you have become so used to sitting on the edge of your seat, that you do so in a desk and wonder why the table part is sticking into your ribs
-you miss out on social events to practice your instrument cuz you have a test coming up (and you would die if you lost your first chair-ness)
-even tho you look extremely dorky in your band uniform, you look at other bands' uniforms and then convince yourself that you actually look cool in yours
-youve been to all the varsity football/basketball games but never actually paid to get into one
-it seems that every person you have a crush on is in only date people in band because you believe that band people should stick together.
-when you begin watching the Thanksgiving Day parade for the bands, not for the stupid huge balloons
-your non-band friends think your crazy cuz your ALWAYS humming songs they've never heard before
-when you get together with an old friend thats in band at another school ALL you do is talk about band
-you dance like a madman in the stands in band during an assembly and dont care at ALL what other people think about you
-employees at the music store know your name, what instrument you play, and what kind of reed you like
-you have to stop practicing cuz your finger locked up from playing so much
-your proud of your locked-up finger
-you buy Aleve in bulk to help your locked-up finger
-you paint your reed's thread so it matches your uniform or dress
-you name your instrument
-you know your instrument's birthday and everyone in your section celebrates it
-you dont remember the last time you didnt have to tell someone that you had to get off the phone cuz you needed to practice your instrument
-your jealous of the person next to you cuz their instrument is shinier then yours
-you no longer care how you look, cuz the other kids in band have seen you look way worse
-you forget to put on lip-gloss cuz you never get to wear it in band
-the highlight of your day is when you get to go to the basketball game and dance in band like a loon
-you think its hilarious if the kid next to you whacks you in the head with his instrument cuz your both dancin so hard (bonus if it hurt. double bonus if it left a mark)
-you have so many inside jokes with band kids you dont even remember half of them
-you miss more then two lunch times a week cuz you have to be (or WANT to be) in the band room
-you need emotional support after a button falls off your band uniform
-you feel naked without your instrument
-you have 2 instruments--a junky one for marching/pep band and a good one for concert band. or if you have 2 completely diff intstruments so you can be in a variety of band classes
-dancing like crazy in the stands in band in front of the entire school does not faze you
-when the drummers actually start to make sense
-when you wear your band shirt in public
-you dont go shopping cuz your saving your money for new reeds
-you refer to inter-section conflicts as "sibling rivalry"
-you keep pictures of your instruments in different poses in your wallet
-you can identify an instrument by its clang when it hits the floor
-you tolerate band jokes about your instrument from your director. and laugh. and are not just pity-laughing.
-you know what sound a cymbal makes when hit against someones forehead
-your hobbies are: band
-youve dragged your best friend to your concert and made her sit with your parents
-youve ever used your instrument as a machine gun
-youve ever responded to your other friends' puzzled looks with, "sorry, it's a band thing."
-you think your non-band friends have something wrong with them when they do not join in on your discussion on band
-you really really like all those band jokes and get mad when non-band people don't understand
-you just can't bring yourself to wear white socks with any type of black shoes or pants
-you judge a school by the size of the band
-you judge a football team by the size of the band
-you have that nasty bump/callous thing on your right thumb from playing your instrument, and are very proud of it
-you think your non-band friends are weird when they don't sing the opener of your half-time show with you. ok, they are just plain WEIRD.
-your instrument is the most expensive thing you own
-you know how to play 10 popular stand songs, yet don't know the words to any of them
-you wonder what life would be like if you weren't in band
-youve ever used your plume as a light-saber
-you worry about your instrument when you have to take it outside when it's snowing or raining......even if it's in it's case
-you talk to your instrument
-when it needs to go into the shop to be repaired, you tell it that everything will be OK
-when you have devised a way to play *well* on a reed thats cracked in half, smelly, moldy, and old
-your leader has to tell you to look up the words to 'Walk This Way', 'Takin Care Of Business' and all the other pep songs, cuz you all know how to play 'em, but dont know ANY of the words, and he's sick of listenin to you make up your own words
-you own more than one pair of black socks, in case something should happen to the pair you have
-you actually think a guy can look sexy in a band uniform (and believe me, some of 'em REALLY can)
-your english teacher is discussing banned bookes and your thinking to yourself "band books"?
-you have fun working at a competition for 9 hours
-your friend thinks it would be funny to hit your instrument case, and you smack her so hard she is shocked (not to mention injured)
-you actually carried on a conversation with a drummer...and understood what he was saying
-you dont let your nails grow or get acrylics for fear it will interfere with your playing
-your on the phone, and you force the other person to listen to your jazz band piano chords and repeatedly insist that you are Mozart
-it is your goal to press a button on every instrument
-its very normal in your everyday life in a dark place to hear "Take it off!!" and "HEY! WHO'S HAND IS THAT?!"
-when you stop making fun of the people dancing to the drum cadences, thinkin "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em"
-your nails have never exceeded a certain point beause of the sole reason of your instrument
-you think for a split second that writing all these reasons is pathetic...and then laugh hysterically