1. I will not harrass the guard members any more than I have to 2. I will not drop my intrument on the field during a competition...and if I do, I will warn the guard girls so they don't trip over it...if I remember. 3. I will show up for every sectional my retarded section leader decides to make...unless it falls before 10 a.m.
4. I will practice my tenors at home...maybe.
5. I will stop imagining my beloved band director falling to a gruesome death from the Box that's in the middle of our parking lot.
6. I will wear my pajama pants to every single competition...hey, if I gotta be there, I can at least be comfortable.
7. I will respect the seniors that preside above me...if they deserve it.
8. I will do all I can to make my section awesome...unless they are REALLY bad...then I'll just be like "oh well, there's always next year"
9. I will learn to speak English and stop grunting to communicate.
10. I will invent my own language based around "dut dut" and "digga digga" and "diddle diddle"
11. I will not laugh at everything. I also will not laugh harder when I get yelled at by the director.
12. I will not rub my superiority in the freshmen's faces when I'm a sophomore...maybe.
13. I will listen to my band director when he says "one more time" and I will count how many times he says it. Later, I will remind him..."HOW many more times was it?!"
14. I will not try to teach the oboe player how to toss drum sticks and then make fun of her when she cant do it
15. I will not throw the drummers sticks at the saxes when they are tuning. Throwing sticks at ANYone will no longer be a regular thing.
16. I will not drop whatever I'm doing at the sight of food.
17. I will not break anymore fingers when someone trys to steal my instrument. I will merely break their leg.
18. Since band members will always be geeks...I will EARN the title!