The Band Room
Season Thoughts

10 things you'll never hear your band director say

You know you've been in band too long if...

Band member's Resolutions

Band jokes

Drill Terms

Band Geeks Dictionary

Photo Page

Marching Band from a marchers perspective

How to keep a Band Director in line

Band Schedule

Home Page

Band Wars

Guest Book Page


Welcome to the band room! This is my unofficial page about the Southport High School Marching Cardinals. Plus Band humor in general. ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Note from Webmistress:
Updated: September 5, 2005

Hello fellow band geeks...I updated my page a while ago, however, i forgot to put the '05 marching band schedule up, and after getting continually harrassed, i updated that, so everything is now up to date, until next time, enjoy the website, any comments can be left in my guest book, or if you really want to speak to me, my e-mail is, Auf Weidersehen!

Southport Music Department